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Visitor Policy

At Millennium Community School, we have an open-door policy. Therefore, you are able to visit your child’s classroom at any time to observe. If you wish to talk with the teacher, you need to set an appointment.


For the safety of all, you are asked to adhere to the following guidelines:


  1. Please sign in at the office and obtain a visitors badge.

  2. Please place the badge in a place where all staff members will be able to identify you as a visitor. This eliminates the staff having to ask you to report to the office to sign in. For security purposes, all visitors in the building not wearing a badge will be required to return to the office to obtain one.

  3. When your visit is complete, please return to the office to sign out.



Volunteer Policy

Interested individuals should contact the school office. The interests and abilities of the volunteers are considered when making assignments. All volunteers shall be registered with the School Administrative Office. Standard procedures for record-keeping include hours contributed by various volunteers, types of services or donations made and an application kept on file at the school for any volunteer who works directly with students, especially in tutorial relationships.

A criminal records check might be required for some volunteers. In order to encourage a healthy and safe climate for students, the Board of Education has determined that it will follow the parameters of the Ohio Revised Code on criminal background checks for volunteers. Section 109.574 (Criminal Records Checks for Volunteers) allows school districts to notify current and prospective volunteers that they may be required to provide a set of impressions for fingerprinting purposes processed by the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation. There are two incidents when a volunteer may be required to get a records check: 1.) When a volunteer has unsupervised access to a child when no other person 18 years of age or older is present in the same room with the child, and 2.) if outdoors, the volunteer has unsupervised access when no other person is 18 years of age or older is within a 30-yard radius of the child or has visual contact with the child. School administration will identify these individuals and have them referred to the Personnel Department for a criminal records check. The background checks will be paid for coaches and student program leaders by Millennium Community School.


Volunteer Guidelines

Millennium Community School is pleased to welcome volunteers and value your willingness and commitment to the success of our students and school. Each volunteer, be it parents, grandparents, family members or interested community persons has something unique to contribute, time, and talent.

As you enter the building, please sign in as a visitor (You are asked to adhere to the same guidelines as visitors.) Also, you are asked to adhere to the following:

  1. Sign the volunteer’s letter of understanding and turn it into the school office.

  2. Be mindful that the staff is ultimately responsible for the students and activities taking place.

  3. Unless notified before your arrival, please wait to take direction from the staff member on what is needed.

  4. Please respect the confidentiality of all of our students. You are not permitted to talk with other parents in regards to any child other than your own.

  5. Please dress in an appropriate manner.

  6. Smoking is not permitted on school grounds.

  7. Distribution of any literature of any kind is not permitted.

  8. An authorized Millennium Community School staff person handles all disciplinary matters. At no time should any volunteer use physical force when dealing with a student. All concerns relating to discipline must be forwarded to the school administration.

  9. Volunteers are prohibited from transporting students to and from school-related activities.

© 2021 by Millennium Community School

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